Although you should not include a summary of the speech in your paper, you do need to make sure that you understand what the speech says. You may also see swot analysis worksheet examples in pdf. Use this sheet to help you analyze your chosen speech. When and where location, event, occasion was the speech delivered. The purpose of this speech is to inspire change in both white and black citizens of. Teaching american history project lesson title martin luther. S speech hitler prepares his speeches meticulously and leaves no detail at random. A crowd of mainly blacks who have themselves born the oppression. Your job is to identify at least one example of one of aristotles three modes of persuasion. Printable memory and orientation book functional speech therapy materials bundle. The i have a dream speech has a very simple context. Speech analysis worksheet chandler unified school district. You may also see newspaper worksheet examples in pdf.
B2 b3 while studying increasingly sophisticated speeches. The questions on the worksheet focus students attention and help guide their analyses of the various persuasive techniques used in each speech. But the speech as a whole repays close study and raises interesting questions. If your consecutive letters are correct, you will spell out the names of four trees in items 1 through 12 and four. The purpose of this speech is to inspire change in both white and black citizens of the united states during the civil rights era. Today i want to share with you three items that mean the world to me. Go through the speech in fine detail and highlight then annotate the bits which. Wish list william jennings bryan cross of gold speech analysis worksheet. People think that he provoked japan into bombing pearl harbor. Empowerment of the blacks speakers background knowledge. Three of my favorite things are my clarinet, my book of poems, and my marvin the martian. These are appeals to logic and fact, or to the power of reason.
By the next year, these freedoms were justifying americas role as a combatant in. Briefly describe the persuasive intent of this speech. Your job is to identify at least one example of each of aristotles three modes of persuasion. In the speech, he said that he had a dream that one day segregation laws would end.
Sure, its just an outline for a persuasive essay, but boxes and bullets sounds way cooler. Speech planning worksheet introduction the speaker sells the idea to the audience so theyll want to listen. Document analysis is the first step in working with primary sources. Kara wilson kara wilson is a 6th12th grade english and drama teacher. He said, i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a. Worksheetstudents complete the speech analysis worksheet pp. A leader of the black population with full knowledge of their condition influences traditional, cultural, historical. Teach your students to think through primary source documents for contextual understanding and to extract information to make informed judgments. Identify one thing the speaker says to establish his or her credibility ethos. External factors which further complicate speech and noise analysis are various kinds of noise incurred along with the speech and. Arguing both sides worksheet 3 here is yet another doublesided worksheet where students practice brainstorming arguments on both sides of controversial persuasive essay topics. Clarity clear intent structure logical support examples bridging closing concise.
This worksheet guides students through a rhetorical analysis of jonathan edwards sermon sinners in the hands of an angry god. Plp analysis is computationally efficient and yields a lowdimensional representation of speech. Dream in order to be able to analyse the speech properly. Worksheets revising techniques used in speech writing. It has them identify speaker, audience, and purpose, as well as identify examples of ethos, pathos, and logos in the argument. You are usually also asked to comment on the things said on a personal level. He also looked back at what he had done in his career and how fortunate he was to be where he was. Speech analysis worksheet fdr presidential library. Enables us to defend our stand or point with the use of words.
What does the speech say and how does it persuade what is the tone of the speech. This activity is great to do before actually writing the essay. Browse persuasive speech analysis resources on teachers pay. Julius caesar act iii scene 2 antonys funeral speech antony friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. In it, he warns america of the dangers of a 2 party system and about getting entangled in foreign affairs. Dec 18, 2018 document analysis is the first step in working with primary sources. The said analysis is a strategic tool used in identifying and analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company as well the individuals involved in the company stakeholders. These properties are found to be useful in speakerindependent automaticspeech recognition. Introduction the first amendment protects freedom of expression, a composite constitutional right that includes freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances, and the implied free. What additional information should we know about the background or the occasion. Get audiences attention share a brief story or example that directly relates to the speech. These same students generally like to hear the phrase boxes and bullets.
It is certainly appropriate to use quotations from the speech to support your points. Adopts a dominant position above his subjects, and shows an aggressive, emphatic and emphatic verbal language. Free printable pdf semantic feature analysis sfa chartsgrids. Use these worksheets for photos, written documents, artifacts, posters, maps, cartoons, videos, and sound recordings to teach your students the process of document analysis. These are appeals based on the credibility and manner of the speaker. What were the important points that were to be made. Go for it download a copy of this free audience analysis worksheet pdf. Historical influence, continued oppression of the blacks in history listeners background knowledge. Written document analysis worksheet national archives. The first few minutes of a speech are very important. To help you make audience analysis a positive habit, im sharing a free audience analysis worksheet. Students gain a better understanding of grammar and sentence structure by understanding these basic components. He was letting the fans, players, and coaches know how much he appreciated them.
Martin luther king, jr delivered his i have a dream speech on this day on aug. It can also be used in analyzing the competencies and. The speakers background knowledge was he knew more than he told people in his speech. Audience analysis worksheet go for it download a copy of this free audience analysis worksheet pdf. The speakers background knowledge included the fact that he was a black man in america and experienced the injustices he spoke about. The subject of this speech was about lou saying goodbye to the game of baseball due to his disease.
Julius caesar act iii scene 2 antonys funeral speech. What evidence can you find of this persuasive technique in the speech. All the above applications of speech and noise analysis are quite challenging to solve. Because every word is carefully chosen, speeches can serve as windows, through which one can perceive personal motives and national interests. Boxes and bullets persuasive essay outline a lot of students really hate the term outline. Evaluating a speech 1 speech analysis worksheet name. Parts of speech worksheets printable grammar activities. The speech, which was timed to coincide with the evening news, was billed as a major statement on foreign policy, and the prime minister had personally urged president barack obama, who had delivered a major address ten days earlier in cairo, to watch. Diagnostic test 2 parts of speech on the line next to the number, write the.
Rhetorical analysis worksheet teachers pay teachers. Ed, both of which she earned from the university of california, santa barbara. Parts of speech refer to the functions of words in a sentence. Im a big believer in worksheets, templates, check lists, cheat sheets, etc. Beginners guide to speech analysis towards data science. This website and its content is subject to our terms and conditions. The noble brutus hath told you caesar was ambitious. What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audiences age sex religion racial or ethnic background group membership other specify situational audience analysis. Great speeches we are going to study 2 great speeches. Where was the speech delivered and give the youtube url.
These properties are found to be useful in speakerindependent automatic speech recognition. If you think of a summary as primarily a brief representation. These activities help them learn to brainstorm points quickly and to choose the side of an argument that is easier for them to support when writing a persuasive essay. Unique physical characteristics of the document check one or more. Interesting letterhead handwritten typed seals notations received stamp other 3.
A political speech generally starts with an introduction by which the speaker intends to attract the audiences attention, for example by making clear the purpose of the speech. Area strengths recommendations impact educate motivate entertain audience. Listen to a persuasive speech on youtube related to your speech topic. I use them professionally and personally for many tasks, including speech preparation. A swot analysis worksheet is a tool used to effectively conduct a swot analysis. Helps us in developing poise and confidence that is helpful not just in debates but in other speaking activities as well. Rhetorical precis worksheet a rhetorical precis differs from a summary in that it is a less neutral, more analytical condensation of both the content and method of the original text. What special adaptation is necessary in the speech because of the audiences size response to the physical setting knowledge. Rhetorical analysis of martin luther kings i have a dream. Speeches are effective tools for voicing opinions, rallying support, influencing others and conveying positions.
George washingtons farewell address analysis worksheet this is a two page edited reading of president george washingtons farewell address of 1796. Squealers speech squealer uses many of the techniques of propaganda listed here. The purpose was to let america know that they was attacked on december 7th, 1941. King is known for his work in civil rights during the 1960s. Identify one piece of evidence logos the speaker uses to argue his or her point. Use these worksheets for photos, written documents, artifacts, posters, maps, cartoons, videos, and sound recordings to teach your students the process of document.
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